IElectrix is a response to the Horizon 2020 Call for proposals LC-SC3-ES-3-2018-2020 of the European Commission: “Integrated local energy systems (Energy islands)”. This call addresses the challenge of a single and smart European electricity grid in integrating renewable energy sources. This call promotes the enabler role of the Distribution system operators to connect Local Energy Communities to the network.
Objectives and ambitions
- Increase RES integration into the network
- Connect Local Energy Communities to MV & LV networks
- Build flexible and smart micro-grids
- Increase grid resilience and thereby security of supply
- Improve consumers’ involvement (prosumers)
- Develop innovative and sustainable technical solutions and business models
- Various regulatory regimes
- Diverse geographical, technical and economical situations
- Different stages of local energy communities development
5 real-scale demonstrators
in order to demonstrate the essential role of the DSO in the energy transition in implementing local solutions:

Mobile storage unit

Demand side response

Grid digitalisation
01/05/2019 - 31/10/2022
42 Months
Funding program
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824392
Energy storage
Smart grids
Renewable energy
Grid digitalisation
Local Energy Communities
16 partners in 9 countries (Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Spain)